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Title: FAR 2018/28 - Intertidal shellfish monitoring in the northern North Island region, 2017–18.
FAR-2018-28-Northern-North-Island-shellfish.pdf (13.5 MB)
This report presents population estimates for cockles Austrovenus stutchburyi and pipi Paphies australis across 12 sites in northern North Island for the 2017–18 fishing year.  In addition to population data, it includes sediment grain size and organic content data for Bowentown Beach, Cockle Bay, Little Waihi Estuary, Marsden Bank, Mill Bay, Okoromai Bay, Pataua Estuary, Raglan Harbour, Tairua Harbour, Umupuia Beach, Whangateau Harbour and Whitianga Harbour.
FAR: 2018/28;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-919-7;
Species: COC; PIP;
Author: Berkenbusch; Neubauer;
Title: FAR 2016/49 Intertidal shellfish monitoring in the northern North Island region, 2015–16
FAR-2016-49-Northern-shellfish-2015-16 web.pdf (4.9 MB)
This report presents population estimates for cockles Austrovenus stutchburyi and pipi Paphies australis across 12 sites in northern North Island for the 2015-16 fishing year.  It includes population information and sediment data for Bowentown Beach, Cheltenham Beach, Cockle Bay, Little Waihi Estuary, Marokopa Estuary, Ohiwa Harbour, Okoromai Bay, Pataua Estuary, Tairua Harbour, Umupuia Beach, Whangateau Harbour, and Whitianga Harbour.
FAR: 2016/49;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-365-2;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: Austrovenus stutchburyi; cockles; Paphies australis; pipi;
ResearchField: cockles; Northern North Island; pipis; shellfish;
Author: Berkenbusch; Neubauer;
Title: FAR 2015/70 Survey of intertidal shellfish in Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour (Onepoto Arm), February March 2015.
FAR-2015-70-Poriru-harbour-intertidal-shellfish.pdf (2.8 MB)
An intertidal shellfish survey of the Onepoto arm of Porirua Harbour (Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour) found mean cockle (Austrovenus stutchburyi) densities of 525/m2, mean mudflat topshell (Diloma subrostrata) densities of 53/m2, and mean pipi (Paphies australis) densities of 24/m2.
FAR: 2015/70;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-102-3;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: cockle; mudflat topshell; Pipi;
ResearchField: cockle; Customary; mudflat topshell; pipi; shellfish;
Author: Lyon; Michael;
Title: FAR 2015_59 Intertidal shellfish monitoring in the northern North Island region, 2014–15.
FAR_2015_59_2933_AKI 2014-01.pdf (10.2 MB)
This report presents population estimates for cockles Austrovenus stuchburyi and pipi Paphies australis across 12 sites in northern North Island for the 2014–15 fishing year.  It includes population information and sediment data for Aotea Harbour, Eastern Beach, Kawakawa Bay (West), Mangawhai Harbour, Mill Bay, Ngunguru Estuary, Otumoetai (Tauranga Harbour), Raglan Harbour, Ruakaka Estuary, Te Haumi Beach, Whangamata Harbour, and Whangapoua Harbour.
FAR: 2015/59;
ISSN: 1179-6480;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-063-7;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: Austrovenus stitchburyii; Cockles; Paphies auastralis; pipis;
ResearchField: bivalves; Field sampling; Intertidal shellfish; monitoring; survey;
Author: Berkenbusch; Neubauer;
Title: FAR 2014/29 The distribution and abundance of pipis and cockles in the Northland, Auckland and Bay of Plenty regions, 2013.
FAR_2014_29_2787_AKI2012-01.pdf (6.4 MB)
The distribution, abundance and size of pipis and cockles were estimated at 12 beaches/harbours in Auckland, Northland, and Bay of Plenty. Cockle numbers increased at Whangateau Harbour and Ohiwa Estuary, but decreased at Grahams Beach. Three beaches with a rahui or restriction (Cockle Bay, Umupuia Beach, Whangateau Harbour) had significant increases in numbers of large cockles. The pipi population declined at Marsden Bank, but increased at Raglan Harbour, Whangateau Harbour and Ohiwa Estuary.
FAR: 2014/29;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-43260-2;
Species: Cockle; Pipi;
ResearchField: abundance; Distribution; size;
Author: Pawley; Smith;
Title: The distribution and abundance of pipis and cockles in the Northland, Auckland and Bay of Plenty regions, 2012
5135190-FAR-2012-45-pipis-and-cockles-int-he-Northland-Auckland-and-Bay-of-Plenty-regions-2012 (1).pdf (1.5 MB)
Twelve beaches in the greater Auckland, Northland, and Bay of Plenty regions were surveyed to estimate the distribution and abundance of pipis (Paphies australis) and cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) in 2011. The total cockle population increased at seven beaches. The total pipi population significantly increased at two beaches and declined at two other beaches. Most beds showed a decrease in the number of harvestable-sized (i.e. large) cockles and pipis.
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: Austrovenus stutchburyi; Cockles; Paphies australis; Pipis;
Stock: COC; PPI;
ResearchField: COC; cockles; Intertidal shellfish survey; pipis; PPI;
Author: Pawley;
Title: The distribution and abundance of pipis and cockles in the Northland, Auckland, and Bay of Plenty regions, 2010.
11_24_FAR.pdf (1.7 MB)
The distribution and abundance of pipis and cockles in the Northland, Auckland, and Bay of Plenty regions, 2010.
FAR: 2011/24;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
Species: COC; PPI;
Author: Pawley;
Title: Biomass Survey and Yield Estimates for the New Zealand Littleneck Clam (Austrovenus Stuchburyi) in Papanui and Waitati Inlets, Otago during 2002
COC2001-02 Littleneck Clam Papanui and Waitati Inlets Otago Final.pdf (4.6 MB)
Biomass Survey and Yield Estimates for the New Zealand Littleneck Clam (Austrovenus Stuchburyi) in Papanui and Waitati Inlets, Otago during 2002
Author: Granger; Irwin; Wing;
FishingMethod: ; hand harvest; hand picking;
ResearchField: Biomass Estimates; Stock assesment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC3A;
Title: Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) in area COC 7A: Tapu Bay, Ferry Point, and Pakawau
10_44_FAR.pdf (2.0 MB)
Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) in area COC 7A: Tapu Bay, Ferry Point, and Pakawau
FAR: 2010/44;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC7A;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering;
ResearchField: Biomass; Stock Assessment;
Author: ; Osborne;
Title: Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2009
09_29_FAR.pdf (799.3 kb)
Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2009
Project code: COC2007/01B;
FAR: 2009/29;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
FishingMethod: hand gathering;
ResearchField: Biomass survey; Stock assessment;
Author: Mackay; Smith; Williams;
Title: Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stuchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2008
\2008 FARs\08_43_FAR.pdf (4.6 MB)
Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stuchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2008
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: COC2007/01A;
FAR: 2008/43;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering;
ResearchField: Biomass; Stock assessment;
Author: MacKay; Smith; Williams;
Title: Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stuchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2007
\2008 FARs\08_03_FAR.pdf (1.3 MB)
Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stuchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2007
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: COC2006/01;
FAR: 2008/03;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering;
ResearchField: Biomass; Stock assessment;
Author: MacKay; Smith; Williams;
Title: Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2006.
\2006 FARs\06_38_FAR.pdf (2.5 MB)
Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2006.
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: COC2005/01;
FAR: 2006/38;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering;
ResearchField: Biomass; Stock assessment;
Author: MacKay; Smith; Williams;
Title: Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2005.
\2006 FARs\06_21_FAR.pdf (2.9 MB)
Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2005.
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: COC2004/01;
FAR: 2006/21;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering;
ResearchField: Biomass; Stock assessment;
Author: Cryer; MacKay; McKenzie; Smith; Tasker; Watson; Williams;
Title: Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2004
\2005 FARs\05_15_FAR.pdf (1.1 MB)
Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2004
Author: Cryer; MacKay; Smith; Tasker; Watson;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: COC2003/01;
ResearchField: Biomass; Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
Title: A length-based model for cockles on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2002
COC2001-01 Cockles Snake Bank Wahngarei Harbour Objective 2 Final.pdf (1.6 MB)
A length-based model for cockles on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2002
Author: Bradford-Grieve; Breen; Cryer; Fenwick; Kim; McKenzie;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering; Hand picking;
ResearchField: absolute biomass; Antarctic; Biodiversity; Biomass; growth models; Population modelling; stock assesment;
ScienceStock: ; Antarctic Fisheries; Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
Title: Biomass surveys of cockles in Whangarei Harbour, 2002
COC200101 Cockles Whagarei Harbour 2002 Objective 3 final.pdf (869.2 kb)
Biomass surveys of cockles in Whangarei Harbour, 2002 (Objective 3)
Author: Cryer; MacKay; Parkinson; Smith; Tasker;
FishingMethod: hand gathering; hand picking;
ResearchField: Biomass survey; stock assesment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
Title: Stock assessment of cockles on Snake and McDonald Banks, Whangarei Harbour, 2000
\2001 FARs\01_19_FARD .pdf (525.0 kb)
Stock assessment of cockles on Snake and McDonald Banks, Whangarei Harbour, 2000
Author: Morrison; Parkinson;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
Title: Stock assessment of cockles on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 1999
\2000 FARs\00_26_FARD .pdf (615.5 kb)
Stock assessment of cockles on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 1999
Author: Morrison;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
Title: Intertidal shellfish population surveys in the Auckland region, 1998-99, and associated yield estimates
\1999 FARDs\99_43_FARD.pdf (748.0 kb)
Intertidal shellfish population surveys in the Auckland region, 1998-99, and associated yield estimates
Author: Browne; Morrison;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Biomass; Population structure;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC; PPI;
Stock: COC1C; COC9; PPI1C; PPI9;
Title: Stock assessment of cockles on Snake and McDonald Banks, Whangarei Harbour, 1998
\1999 FARDs\99_07_FARD.pdf (408.3 kb)
Stock assessment of cockles on Snake and McDonald Banks, Whangarei Harbour, 1998
Author: Cryer; Morrison;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;
Title: Assessment of cockles on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, for 1996
\1997 FARDs\97_02_FARD.pdf (1.1 MB)
Assessment of cockles on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, for 1996
Author: Cryer;
FishingMethod: Hand gathering;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: COC;
Stock: COC1A;